- Introduction: The Origin of the Germans, The German Language, The Main Divisions of German Literature
- The First Traces of Germanic Poetry, including Runic Symbols.
- The Old High German Period to 1100
- The Dawn of the Middle High German Period 1100-1180
- The Classical Period of Middle High German Literature. 1180-1300. The Court Epic.
- The Popular Epic
- Minnesong, Didactic Poetry, and Prose.
- The Decline of Poetry at the End of the Middle Ages. 1300-1500.
- Early New High German Literature. 1500-1624.
- The Pseudo-Renaissance and the Beginnings of Modern Ideals 1624-1700.
- The Immediate Forerunners of Classical German Literature 1700-1748.
- The Great Century of German Literature. 1748-1848.
- Klopstock and His Followers.
- Lessing
- Wieland. Herder. The Hainbund. the Storm and Stree.
- Goethe’s Life and Genius.
- Goethe’s Chief Narrative and Dramatic Works.
- Schiller.
- The Romantic School and Its First Disciples.
- Later Romanticists.
- Literature in the Years of Reaction.
- The Munich Group of Poets
- Transition to New Ideals. From 1870 to 1888.
- Recent German Literature.
- Literary Map of Germany.
- Chronologicdal Table.