A huge and fascinating old dictionary, with several lovely engravings. Not just a dictionary but also a tremendous resource of a “variety of other usefull information” as the title says. A nice window into the way language was used about 200 years ago.
A Complete & Universal Dictionary of the English Language (1823)
A Complete & Universal Dictionary of the English Language (1823)
Title: A Complete and Universal Dictionary of the English Language, Comprehending the Exploration of the History of England to the Present Time; a Description of the Counties, Cities & market Towns of Great Britain and the Kingdoms, States, Provinces Cities in the known World, with a Variety of other usefull information.
Author: The Rev James Barclay
Publisher: John & R Childs, 1823.
Condition: Hardcover, leather boards. Leather spine replaced shoddily by cloth. Beat up exterior, very foxed interior. Firmly bound. Huge and heavy book. With beautiful engravings.
SKU: barclays-dictionary-1823
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