A travelogue of Southeast Asia by a once-famous author, with 21 photographic plates.
- The Andre-Lebon
- Les Enfants, and Other Things
- “Paris in the Jungle”
- The People of Saigon
- Comedy and Tragedy
- L’Affaire Bardez
- Vers Angkor
- The Parc of Angkor
- The Khmers of Angkor
- Down the Mekong
- Education
- Last Days in Saigon
- Singapore
- Some of the People of Singapore
- The Singapore Mutiny
- More about Singapore
- The Island of Palms
- Tin
- Rubber
- Malayan Affairs
- A Voyage to Java
- Central Java
- Batavia and the West
- A Glimpse of Sumatra
- Westward Bound
- “Where Every Prospect Please”
- Colombo
- Back to England