About the book (from jacket flap):
From the beginning, man’s origin has been his greatest mystery. Legends, myths, and religions have tried to explain the riddle. Then men of science began to find clues that could lead to a solution. A pioneer in this search was the young naturalist Alfred Wallace, who spent twelve years in the world’s darkest jungles to find the key to the puzzle.
Here is the account of Wallace’s expeditions into unknown regions of the Amazon and of Borneo, where he confronted terrifying realities of the jungle and realized its awesome splendor. On these forays Wallace developed his theories of natural selection and survival of the fittest, which coincided remarkably with those of the older scholar Charles Darwin. Returning to England, Wallace presented his findings jointly with Darwin and a new era in the history of science began.
This stirring tale is not only for those interested in science, but for all who enjoy pure adventure. It will endure as the story of a man whose relentless spirit drove him to the far corners of the world in search of the source of life.