Title: British Myths and Legends (3-vol set)
Author: Richard Barber (ed), John Vernon Lord (illus)
Publisher: The Folio Society, 2007.
Condition: Hardcover, with slipcase. Minor wear to slipcase. Books in excellent condition. Minor scuffing to cover of Vol 1. Shipping overseas will cost extra.
About the set:
Vol 1 “Marvels and Magic” contains, among others:
- The Origins
- The Early History of Britain
- Marvels and Magic, including the Life of Merlin
Vol 2 “Heroes and Saints” contains, among others:
- The Story of Arthur
- Beowulf
- The Mabinogi
Vol 3 “History and Romance” contains, among others:
- Guy of Warwick
- Robin Hood
- Macbeth
- Lady Godiva