Hand-coloured map from “Weekly Dispatch” of 1859, London.
Between 1857 and 1863, the British newspaper The Weekly Dispatch published a series of maps. Over 100 maps were produced, and in 1863, the maps were gathered together to form The Dispatch Atlas. The atlas contained county and country maps, as well as several city maps.
Engraved by Edward Weller. Edward Weller, FRGS (d.1884) was an engraver, publisher and cartographer. He had premises in London at 34, Red Lion Square (1861) and Duke Street, Bloomsbury (1872). He often worked for George Philip and Son, and William Collins, Sons, & Co. Many of his maps were included in student atlases. Weller’s business was continued by his wife Mary Anne (d.1887) and his son Francis Sidney (d.1910).