A travel narrative on the islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Celebes & Bali, written by a Dutch-born author who moved to the US at a young age. The author claims this is the first travel book on Indonesia by a Dutch-American author, written during the time he served as Far-Eastern representative for the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company. In this entertaining and readable book, he goes to Borneo where he describes head-hunting tribes and marriage rituals, then to Java where he sees court dances and meets Sultans. From there, he travels to Celebes and witnesses Toraja rituals like rain-making and divination, then to Sumatra and Bali. Some subjects he seems fond of include dances, women and marriage, and the lives of the various tribes.
Crossroads of the Java Sea – H De Leeuw (1931)
Crossroads of the Java Sea – H De Leeuw (1931)
Title: Crossroads of the Java Sea
Author: Hendrik De Leeuw
Publisher: Garden City, New York, 1931.
Condition: Hardcover, cloth. Back cover damaged, exposing boards (see pictures). Corners bumped. Otherwise in very good condition. Text clean and binding tight.
SKU: crossroads-java-sea-1931
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