About the book (from jacket flap):
This second edition of Korea has been brought out to improve and correct upon the first one, printed in 1960, as a result of the gratifying reception the original enjoyed despite its many shortcomings. Encyclopedic in scope, it is even more comprehensive than ever, including as it does developments of the past three years that have seen very important changes unfolding on the Korean scene.
The new edition consists of 750 pages with a supplement of 30 pages of lavish color photographs and 308 pages of black-and-white pictures.
As ever, our undertakings are guided by the fact that Korea has yet to gain due recognition in the world family of scholars and that foreigners, scholar or layman, interested in our country, lack sufficient information on which to feed this interest. If the first edition was at all a handy and useful guide, the current one should prove even more so.