Title: Notes on Muhammadanism, Being Outlines of the Religious System of Islam
Author: Rev. T. P. Hughes
Publisher: WM. H. Allen & Co, 1877. 2nd edition.
Condition: Hardcover. Some wear to spine. Book firmly bound. Name inscription, otherwise clean.
About the book:
This is one of the most valuable introductions to Islam we have read. Even though it was written by a Christian missionary whose purpose was to educate other Christians on Islam (in order to more successfully convert Muslims, since previous attempts proved failures), Hughes shows an excellent understanding of the Islamic creed. In this book, he explains the various aspects of Islam and its creeds and practices, covering not only Sunni Islam but also other sects such as the Shiites and the Druze; such a comprehensive introduction is rarely found even today. He also introduces readers to Islamic theological terms and explains their meanings.
These are the chapters of the book:
1. Muhammad
2. Islam
3. Rule of Faith
4. The Qur’an
5. Inspiration
6. The Traditions
7. Ijma
8. Qias
9. Faith
10. Allah, or God
11. Angels
12. Prophets
13. The Day of Resurrection and Judgment
14. Heaven
15. Hell
16. The Decrees of God
17. The Five Foundations of Practical Religion
18. The Recital of the Creed
19. The Prayer
20. Ramazan, or the Month of Fasting
21. Zakat, or Legal Almsgiving
22. Hajj, or the Pilgrimage to Mecca
23. The Law
24. Sin
25. Punishment
26. Lawful Food
27. Farz-i-Kafai
28. Fitrat
29. Salutations
30. Caliph
31. Muhammadan Clergy, Scholars and Saints
32. Theological Literature
33. Muharram and Ashura
34. Akhiri Chahar Shamba
35. Bara Wafat
36. Shab-i-Barat
37. Id-ul-Fitr
38. Id-ul-Azha
39. Nikah, or Marriage
40. Talaq, or Divorce
41. Janaza, or Burial
42. Slavery
43. Khutbah, or the Friday’s Sermon
44. Jihad, or Religious War
45. Martyrs
46. The Four Orthodox Sects
47. The Shi’ahs
48. The Wahhabis
49. Sufism
50. Faqirs, or Darweshes
51. Zikr, or the Religious Services of the Darweshes
52. The Lord Jesus Christ
53. The Cruxifixion of our Savior
54. The Divinity of Christ and the Holy Trinity
55. Tahrif, or the Alleged Corruption of the Sacred Books of the Jews and Christians