About the book (from dust jacket):
In this history of Egypt beginning with the early Dynasties from 3000 B.C. Mr. Wood Jarvis has managed, without being pedantic and with a most graphic style, to relate the old Egypt of the Exodus of the Bible to our exodus of to-day.
He has given to it something of the quality of an exciting pageant and, to keep his vast panorama of history moving, he emphasises the more dramatic episodes and gives very readable and detailed account of Cleopatra, the sea and land battles of Napoleon’s invasion, the massacre of the Mamelukes by Mohammed Ali, the siege for Khartoum under Gordon, and Kitchener’s battles.
In doing this he has presented his historical facts in a most compelling way and the reader realises acutely the gradual transition of the passionate, cruel, oriental Egypt of the Pharaohs to the Egypt of the Suez Canal, El Alamein, and Farouk. Few readers can fail to be interested in history so vividly presented.