Title: Tolstoy’s works – Resurrection
Author: Leo Tolstoy, unknown translator
Publisher: Thomas Y Crowell & Co, 1900. A very early edition .
Condition: Hardcover, leather spine and corners with marbled hard boards. Well aged. Front cover is tender, general toning and foxing, but otherwise good.
About the book (from Wikipedia):
Resurrection, first published in 1899, was the last novel written by Leo Tolstoy. The book is the last of his major long fiction works published in his lifetime.
The story is about a nobleman named Dmitri Ivanovich Nekhlyudov, who seeks redemption for a sin committed years earlier. His brief affair with a maid had resulted in her being fired and ending up in prostitution. The book treats his attempts to help her out of her current misery, but also focuses on his personal mental and moral struggle. A panoramic view of Russian social life at the end of the 19th century, Resurrection pointedly articulates the author’s contempt for the social injustices of the world in which he lived.
The book was eagerly awaited. “How all of us rejoiced,” one critic wrote on learning that Tolstoy had decided to make his first fiction in 25 years, not a short novella but a full-length novel. “May God grant that there will be more and more!”
It outsold Anna Karenina and War and Peace. Despite its early success, today Resurrection is not as famous as the works that preceded it.
“Sweetness and light among shame and confusion. The greatest of all novels is Leo Tolstoy’s final novel, Resurrection. Its effect upon a reader is immense and immediate. Even after eight readings of various translations, I continue to feel its spell and admire its complexity.” – The Independent
“Ignore the cynics. Tolstoy’s novel is a moralistic tale, yes, but the finest you are ever going to read. Life-changing.” – GoodReads reader
“Tolstoy’s Resurrection affected me more than any other book that I have read in my entire life. The transformation in the character of Nekhlyudov was a fascinating tale to be invited into…” – Amazon.com reader