Life in the Age of Science
Sources of Wealth and Power
The World Grows Smaller
The Exchange of Ideas
The Scene of Daily Living
Three Times a Day
Long Life and Healthy
Necessary Luxuries
Time to Live
The Scientific Attitude
About the author (from Wikipedia):
Gerald L. Wendt (1891-1973) was a chemist who became a writer and lecturer on popular science. He was director of science and education at the New York World’s Fair, an editor at Time magazine and Science Illustrated, and worked for UNESCO.
Wendt graduated from Harvard with a BA (1913) and a PhD (1916) in chemistry. He saw war service as a researcher for the Army in the Chemical Warfare Service, and taught at the Rice Institute and the University of Chicago.
Wendt spent many years as a public lecturer and writer and was by 1938 a serious public scientist. He became director of The American Institute of New York City in 1937. He was director of science and education at the New York World’s Fair between 1938 and 1940, promoting an optimistic vision of the future.