About the book (from dust jacket):
Since the events of tomorrow are, to a great extent, the result of the hidden ambitions of mankind and its leaders today, it should be possible to discern the outlines of the future by studying the true creeds of those leaders and the spiritual undercurrents inherent in the lives of the various nations.
For a long time Rom Landau has been planning to make such investigations and, because the Near East has repeatedly been the cradle of Western civilization, he decided to start his quest in that critical part of the world. He received the full support of the Governments of most of the countries which he visited and was able to meet nearly all the important figures who are shaping the future of the Near East. King Ibn Sa’ud met him in a special camp outside Mecca where he discussed with him the relationship between faith and kingship. Among others who received him were the King of Greece, the Amir Abdullah of Transjordan, the President of the Republic of Lebanon, General Metaxas – “Dictator of Greece” – the Mufti of Jerusalem, the President of the Pan-Arab Congress and most of the Statesmen, Cabinet Ministers, heads of Churches, spiritual and education leaders to 12 different countries from Bulgaria to Egypt and from Greece to Palestine and Iraq.
Rom Landau calls hi new book a “Search”. Most readers will agree that to probe into the innermost beliefs and hopes of the leaders of nations and to study the relationship between public life and the religious urge in the world is an exceptionally important piece of research. As a result he is able to indicate a possible solution for the impasse in Palestine and to deal with the problems of Pan-Arabism and Zionism, Fascism and Communism among the Arabs, and the future relationship between the West and the Near East.