Title: The Seven Wonders of the World with their Associations in Art & History
Author: unknown, W Harvey (illus)
Publisher: George Routledge & Sons, 1854. Long out of print!
Condition: Hardcover, red cloth. Some fraying of the spine ends, but good for its age. Well bound and intact. A lovely and odd and very interesting little book – they don’t write books like these anymore!
The Seven Wonders of the World are among
the traditions of our childhood; and yet, it is a
remarkable fact, that ninety-nine persons out of a
hundred who might be asked the question, could not
name them. These marvels of the ancients had,
from being familiar, become forgotten, and treated
as myths known to us through traditions collected
by the Greeks, so replete with absurdities that it
was difficult to select the true from the fabulous.
The chief object of the compiler of this volume is
to present such particulars of these marvels of distant
centuries as could be gathered from the writers of
the ages in which they existed, or those nearest the
The Pyramids
Herodotus's Account of the Pyramids. Egypt. The Approach from Cairo. The Interior of the Great Pyramid. Captain Caviglia's Investigation. The Ascent. The Second Pyramid, and its Ascent by Mi:. Wilde. The Third and Fourth Pyramids. The Pyramids of Sakkarrah and Dashour. Graves's Pyramidographia. The Mexican Pyramids. Other Pyramujal Buildings. Suggestions for the Origin of the Name.
The Temple, the Walls, and Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The City of Babylon.
The Temple of Belus.
The Walls.
The Hanging Gardens.
Gardens of the Eastern Nations.
Appearance of the Ruins.
Rich’s Memoir.
Accomplishment of Prophecy in the entire Destruc-
tion and complete Desolation of “the Beauty of
the Chaldees’ Excellency.”
The Chryselephantine Statue of Jupiter Olympius
The Statue. The Invention of Chryselephantine. Statues by Phidias. Phidias's other Works. The Statue of Minerva. The Temple of Minerva. The Greeks Athens. Temple of Jupiter at Athens. The Olympian Games. Pindar's Odes. Temple to Jupiter at Agrigentum and at Selin. Temple to Jupiter at Rome. Jupiter Zeus. Jufiter Ammon. Temple of Karnak. Temple of Jupiter Ammon.
The Temple of Diana at Ephesus
Ephesus. The Temple. Bishop Pococke's Remarks. Vitruvius's Descrdption. Diana Artemis Hecate. The Temple of Diana at London. Early Christian Churches were all erected on the site of Ancient Heathen Temples.
Diana as depicted in Homer.
Diana as Hecate in Hesiod. Ephesus and the Temple when visited by St. Paul.
The Incantations performed there.
The Fulfillment of Prophecy.
Stephens's Visit.
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Mausolus and Artemesia. Halicarnassus. The Mausoleum. The Tomb of Cyrus. The Tomb of Darius. Alexander's Mausoleum to Heph;estion. The Mausoleum of Augustus. The Mausoleum of Hadrlin. The Tomb of the Scipios. The Tomb of Cecelia Metella. The Tomb of Maximilian. The Taj Mahal. Other Mausoleums in India. The Mausoleum to the Marquis of Rockingham. The Mausoleums at Castle Howaed, at Cobham, and brocklesby.
The Tombs of the Kings in Egypt.
The Tombs at Thebes.
The Tombs at Jizeh.
The Pharos at Alexandria
Alexandria. dlnocrates the architect. The Pharos. The Island of Pharos. Ancient Alexandria. The Ptolemies Founders of the Pharos. Dioclesian's Pillar at Alexandria. The Emperor Claudius's Pharos at Ostta. Tee Pharos of Cordouan. The Pharos at Puzzoli. The Pharos at Genoa, at Antium, and Ancona. The Eddystone Lighthouse. The Bell Eock Lighthouse. The Inchcape.
The Colossus of Rhodes
Early History of Rhodes. The Statue of Apollo. The City of Rhodes. The Pythian Games. Helius and Apollo. Worship of Apollo. The Oracles. Apollo and the Daphnephoria. Temples and Oracles of Apollo at Patara akd Delos. Pindar's Ode to Diagoras the Rhodian. Other Colossal Statues In Egypt. In India. In Greece, etc.