A book about the condition of slavery across the world by an anti-slavery activist who spent much of her life campaigning against chattel slavery (traditional slavery), forced labour, and racial discrimination. This book, Slavery, brought to the attention of British press plight of slaves around the world, in particular in British colonies or dependencies.
The Cry of the Slaves
The Slaves of Abyssinia
Sierra Leone
Slavery in China
Others forms of Servitude
Forced Labour
The Gallery of Emancipators
Slavery and the Law
Abolition – the New International Effort
The Challenge to Civilisation
Supplemental Chapter
Appendices: Slavery Convention, Slave Trade Act 1873
About the author (from Wikipedia):
Kathleen Rochard Simon, Viscountess Simon, DBE (formerly Manning, née Harvey; 23 September 1869 – 27 March 1955) was a British slavery abolitionist. She was inspired to research slavery after living in Tennessee with her first husband, and she joined the abolitionist movement when she returned to London after his death. With her second husband, Sir John Simon, she campaigned against all forms of servitude. Travelling and speaking throughout her life, she was renowned for her commitment to ending slavery and racial discrimination, and was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire.
Lady Simon was most concerned about less conspicuous forms of servitude, including indentured labour, peonage, and debt bondage. Deeming it incompatible with the principles of trusteeship under the League of Nations, she confronted and denounced the British colonial policy of extorting forced labour from Africans in east Africa. For several decades, she fought for the emancipation of Mui Tsai, domestic enslaved girls, along with Edith Picton-Turbervill MP and Eleanor Rathbone MP.