From jacket flap:
The author was a top-ranking Soviet scientist, who received the full red-carpet treatment when he was invited, in 1958, by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to help develop their research programmes and work as an instructor. If his laboratory work was frustrated by the intensive programme of political education his students had to attend, the cause of science suffered even more when, on his second visit, in 1960, all Soviet technicians were abruptly recalled. With his wide contacts among the educated Chinese, his considerable influence inside the Soviet hierarchy and his gift for observation – Dr Klochko, who escaped to the West in 1961, has been able to write perhaps the most authentic account to date of the heyday of Sino-Soviet cooperation and of the tensions which built to produce the rift. As an authoritative guide to the present state of Chinese science, both theoretical and applied, and as an insight such as is not available to the less privileged Western visitor into life in Chinese educated circles, this book is a unique and valuable addition to the literature on China today.