The only autobiography of Sukarno, based on his recounting to author Cindy Adams over eleven months.
From jacket flap:
All of Sukarno’s dramatic and contradictory qualities are mirrored in this remarkable narrative. He grew up as the son of a well-born but impoverished schoolmaster and his account of life under the restrictions and repressions of Dutch colonial rule goes far toward explaining the continuing revolutionary ferment in nations with a colonial past in whatever hemisphere. Sukarno was active in the independence movement while a student and in those early days his gifts as an orator and leader were already apparent. Repeatedly imprisoned and thrice exiled by the Dutch, he returned each time with, if anything, a stronger grip on the loyalties of his followers. Not even his role during World War II as a Japanese collaborator – and this, for him, painful interlude he discusses fully and frankly and for the first time publicly – failed to diminish his stature in the eyes of his people. He tells of the bitter and embittering war against the Dutch which culminated in independence in August of 1945. He makes it clear why the memory of his inequities of Dutch rule color so much of his policy, domestic and foreign; why he feels Malaysia to be a threat; his attitude towards China, Russia, and communism generally; why he pulled out of the UN; what he thinks of Kennedy (pro) and Eisenhower (con), and he gives his thoughts on the problems of his successor.