The Fionavar Tapestry is a trilogy of fantasy novels by Guy Gavriel Kay, first published between 1984 and 1986. The novels are partly set in our own contemporary world, but mostly in the fictional world of Fionavar. It is the story of five University of Toronto senior law and medical students, who are drawn into the ‘first world of the Tapestry’ by the mage Loren Silvercloak. Once there, each discovers his or her own role and destiny in the framework of an epic conflict. The books original cover illustrations were created by Martin Springett.
Kay’s central concept in the novels is that Fionavar is the first of worlds, particularly in a mythological sense; the sagas and tales of other worlds originate (or culminate) in this most primary of settings. Because of this, what happens in Fionavar ripples into other worlds—thus the victory or defeat of Rakoth Maugrim has not just immediate importance for Fionavar but also implications for our own world.
The story emphasizes over and over the importance of free will, as demonstrated in Jennifer’s decisions to keep Darien and later to send Lancelot away, Finn’s choice to follow his destiny with Owein and the Wild Hunt, Paul and Kevin’s acceptance of the role of sacrifice (though in different ways), Diarmuid’s decision to take the final battle with Uathach on himself enabling Arthur to survive the last battle, and of course the vital importance of Darien’s ultimate choice of allegiance at the end. When the Baelroth demands that Kim call the Dragon into the struggle she refuses for moral reasons.
Another important theme is that of forgiveness: Arthur has long since forgiven Guinevere and Lancelot; Paul must learn to forgive himself for his girlfriend Rachel’s death; Galadan at the end is forgiven his evil past and offered a second chance; Darien at the end understands his mother’s treatment of him and forgives her; and more.
One of the more prominent themes is that of power, and the price that one pays for it. Often in the book, the price for power lies with someone else, as witnessed by the sources to the mages; as well as Kim’s own summoning power, the price is often paid by whatever or whomever was summoned.
– from wikipedia