Six volumes, complete. The entire surviving work of Livy’s monumental History of Rome (the 35 books) one of the best-written and most respected works of history. Hugely important and influential. All text is in the original Latin.
With notes by JBL Crevier, Professor of Rhetoric.
Bookplates on inner boards indicate the books once probably belonged to François-Emmanuel de Crussol, the 9th Duke of Uzès, who won battle honours and belonged to France’s famous House of Crussol. A biography in French is available here.
About the books:
Ab Urbe Condita Libri—often shortened to Ab Urbe Condita—is a monumental history of ancient Rome in Latin begun sometime between 27 and 25 BC by the historian Titus Livius, known in English as Livy. The Latin title can be literally translated as “Books since the city’s founding”. It is often referred to in English, however, as The History of Rome. The work covers the time from the stories of Aeneas, the earliest legendary period from before the city’s founding in c. 753 BC, to Livy’s own times in the reign of the emperor Augustus. The last year covered by Livy is 745 AUC, or 9 BC, the death of Drusus. About 25% of the work survives.
The entire work covers the following periods:
Books 1–5 – The legendary founding of Rome (including the landing of Aeneas in Italy and the founding of the city by Romulus), the period of the kings, and the early republic down to its conquest by the Gauls. (c.753 BC – c.386 BC)
Books 6–15 – The subjugation of Italy (the Samnite Wars) before the conflict with Carthage. (Books 11–15 are lost). (c.387 BC – 264 BC)
Books 16–30 – The first two Punic Wars. (Books 16–20 are lost). (264 BC – 201 BC)
Books 31–45 – The Macedonian and other eastern wars down to 167 B.C. (201 BC – 167 BC)
The following books (46-142) are all lost:
Books 46–70 – The period after 167 BC to the outbreak of the Social Wars (90 BC)
Books 71–90 – To the death of Sulla (90–78 BC)
Books 91–108 – To the Gallic War (78–50 BC)
Books 109–116 – The Civil War to the death of Caesar. (49–44 BC)
Books 117-133 – To the death of Antony (44–30 BC)
Books 134-142 – The Rule of Augustus down to 9 B.C.
(from wikipedia).