Title: The Monk
Author: Matthew Lewis, introduction by Devendra P. Varma, wood-engravings by George Tute
Publisher: The Folio Society, 1984
Condition: Hardcover, hard boards. Very good condition with good slipcase. Looks unread and unopened.
About the book (from wikipdia & publisher):
The Monk: A Romance is a Gothic novel by Matthew Gregory Lewis, published in 1796. A quickly written book from early in Lewis’s career (it was written in ten weeks, before he turned 20), its convoluted and scandalous plot has made it one of the most important Gothic novels of its time, often imitated and adapted for the stage and the screen.
Written when Lewis was still a young man, and inspired by Walpole’s “The Castle of Otranto”, “The Monk” was considered scandalous – which surely helped its sales. the novel gained notoriety for Lewis, who was dubbed by the public, “Monk Lewis”. It has all the ingredients of a Gothic novel – indeed Lewis may be said to have shepherded in the genre with this novel – there are naive and susceptible beautiful young women, a monk of mysterious origin, a murderous robber, superstitious old nuns, a spooky monastery, intimations of blasphemy, handsome heroes … and of course love interests – including seductions verging on the improper.
“The Monk” was first published in 1796. The subsequent outcry cause Matthew Lewis to purge his text of some of the more salacious and blasphemous episodes, and later editions differed substantially from the first. The Folio Society edition is based on the First Edition of 1796.
This is the Folio Society edition, with an Introduction by Devendra P. Varma, and lovely wood-engraved illustrations by George Tute. The book is bound in quarter black linen, with marbled boards, title in gold on the spine, and decorated end-papers. The whole is kept within a black slip-case.