Robert Fagles’s magnificent translation, described by Peter Levi as ‘an astonishing performance’, sings with drama and effortlessly conveys the texture and atmosphere of Homer’s original poetry. With Bernard Knox’s introduction discussing the history, the language and the nature of Odysseus as a hero, and Grahame Baker-Smith’s stirring images – dolphins leaping in a green sea while Zeus watches on, ready to throw his lightning bolt – this is a joyous edition of a well-loved text.
The Odyssey of Homer
The Odyssey of Homer
Title: The Odyssey
Author: Homer, Introduced by Bernard Knox, Translated by Robert Fagles, Illustrated by Grahame Baker-Smith
Publisher: The Folio Society
Condition: Hardcover, cloth, with slipcase. New and shrink-wrapped.
SKU: odyssey-fagles-folio
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