- The Founder
- The Moral Teachings of the Founder on their Negative Side
- The Positive Side of the Buddhist Ethic
- The Road to Spiritual Freedom
- Man and His Destiny
- The Story of Indian Buddhism
- Ceylon and Buddhism
- The External Aspects of Siamese Buddhism
- Theory and Practice in Siam
- Cambodia
- The Rise of the Mahayana
- The Eternal Buddha
- The Story of Chinese Buddhism
- Dramatis Personae
- Buddhist Temples in China
- Buddhist Monks in China
- The Buddhist Layman
- The Buddhist Revival in China
- Buddhist Thought in China
- Korean Buddhism
- Japan and the Japanese
- The Story of Japanese Buddhism
- The Buddhist Cycle in Japan
- Buddhist Temples in Japan
- Buddhist Sects and Clergy
- The Japanese Layman
- Propaganda, Education and Philanthropy
- Buddhist Thought in Japan
- Zen
- Philosophical Positions of Nichiren and Amida Sects
- A Review of the Present Condition of Buddhism
- The Unity of Buddhism
- Buddhism and Christianity