From jacket flap:
Wheresoever the story of Rama became known it attracted its listeners and readers by its artistic as well as ethical merits. Perhaps the most outstanding poem in the whole of Indonesian literature is the Old-Javanese Ramayana. During the Hindu centuries, this story was twice used for a series of sculptures on two of the biggest chandis. But the story of Rama does not belong to the dead past, to stone, wood, bark, palmleaf and paper, but in our present day it is danced and acted by shadow puppets as well as by human actors in court and kampong. It belongs to all ages and all creeds: its origin is Hindu, several of its students are Christian, and it lives among Muslim Javanese and Malays. Several versions are known to exist in the Malay language and it is to the credit of Dr. Zieseniss to have studied them thoroughly.
Whosoever wishes to learn in which respect the Malay versions of the story of Rama are in accordance with the versions in Siam or Java, and in which respects they differ, should consult Dr. Zieseniss’ book.