An explanation of how Graeco-Roman religion set the stage for Christianity in Europe, exploring various Greco-Roman ideas such as mysticism, salvation, gnosticism, and sacraments.
The Historical Importance of the Graeco-Roman Period
The Variety of Religious Interests and the Dominant Conceptions of Salvation
The Chief Religious Refugees: Judaism
Greek Moral and Greek Mystical Philosophy
The Mystery-Religions
Christianity and Ancient Culture
Ancient Sacramentarianism
Entry of Sacramentarianism into Christianity
The Evolution of Magical-Sacramental Ideas and Usages
The Persistence of Ancient Sacramentarianism
Relation of St. Paul and the Fourth Gospel to Sacramentarianism
The Place and Function of Sacrament
Sacraments To-day and Their Future
Astral Religion and its Catholic Appeal
Astral Immortality
The Ascent of the Soul
Characteristics of Hermeticism as a Religion
The Hermetic ‘Upward Way’
Motives and Aims of Gnosticism
Reactions of Gnosticism and Christianity
Religion as a Therapeutic in Pagan and Christian Circles