A comprehensive book about India, with many photographs and engravings, and a map.
- The British Achievement
- The Statutory Commission
- The Indian States and the Crown
- The Nationalist Movement
- The General and Provincial Governments
- Financial Administration
- The Land Revenue System
- The District Officer
- The Indian Army
- The Royal Indian Marine
- Royal Air Force
- Agricultural Research
- State Irrigation Works
- Forests and Timbers
- The Post and Telegraph Services
- The Indian Police System
- The Indian Medical Service
- Hinduism and Islam
- The Caste System
- The Position of Women
- The Christian Church
- The System of Education
- Modern Indian Literature
- An Indian Village
- A Land of Many Contrasts
- The Indian States
- The North-West Frontier
- Delhi
- Calcutta
- Bombay
- Madras
- Simla
- Karachi
- The Valley of Kashmir
- Burma and the Burmans
- Temples, Mosques and Palaces
- Exploration of Ancient Sties
- Historic Places of the Mutiny
- Railways and Roads
- Empire Communications
- Trade and Industry
- Sport