From jacket flap:
If Thomas Mann had never in his life written a full-length novel, if he were known only through his stories and short novels, it is safe to assume that he would still rank among the immortals of literature. Tonio Kruger, Death in Venice, Mario and the Magician – these and his other shorter novels, already cherished by the discriminating, are by themselves enough to warrant him a place of the first importance.
To that distinguished company he now makes a no less distinguished addition in this fable for our time. Its scene laid in the India of long ago, where men and gods communed together for their mutual benefit, it tells of Sita of the Beautiful Hips and of the two men, close friends, who were both in a manner of speaking her husband. But the outlines of the story, and the depths of meaning with which Dr. Mann has freighted it – these the reader must discover for himself. Suffice it to say that no one who was impressed by the grandeur of the Magic Mountain, by the profundity and archaeological lore of the Joseph story, by the delightful mock gravity of The Beloved Returns, will be disappointed by this newest masterpiece from the pen of the greatest living man of letters.