About the book (from jacket flap):
2500 years ago, Herodotus singlehandedly created the concept of Western Civilisation. Fortunately, because he found the world an inexhaustible source of fascination and delight, he is himself an inexhaustibly fascinating man. The father of history displayed all the modern techniques now associated with analytical journalism, television interviewing, film travelogues and historical research. Indeed, it is precisely his creation of these techniques which makes him our eternal contemporary.
Herodotus travelled throughout the known world and beyond in his unceasing quest for primary sources to substantiate his history of Western civilisation. Richard Lister has retraced Herodotus’ footsteps through the ancient marvels of Persia and Babylon, Egypt and North Africa, Turkey, Russia, Greece and Italy, and at each halting place proves how amazingly accurate, thorough and professional were Herodotus’ observations and research.