Vasco da Gama was the first European to sail around the cape of Africa to establish direct trade routes. The story of his initial journey sees him overcome tremendous hardships, including mutiny, disease, and treacherous Moorish traders, jealous of his designs. His story is no less interesting or significant than that of Columbus, and in his own age, he was just as famous and more successful politically than Columbus.
Chosen by accident to make difficult and dangerous voyage, to sail into unknown and savage regions, and to discover a distant and splendid empire, he fulfilled his task with such glorious success, that, on his return, all Europe rang with his praises. Bold and fearless, full of spirit and enterprise, hot-blooded though just and generous, noble in person, and gracious in manner, no man could be more eminently fitted than he for a perilous journey across stormy seas and amid fierce tribes. His discovery of the way to India around Africa and the Cape of Good Hope wason of the most momentous ever made by man; for during several centuries, and up to the time the Suez Canal was dug and opened, but a few years ago, it was the only sea-route between Europe and India.
His story, as will be seen, is full of striking incidents, of strange adventures, of deperate dangers, and of moving triumphs. Few voyages have been more replete with romance; and his career is now narrated for the first time for the benefit of youthful readers, in the hope that it will amuse some of their leisure-hours, and at the same time afford them an important lesson in history.
The Age of Discovery
Da Gama is Chosen
Setting Sail
Doubling the Cape
Da Gama Quells a Mutiny
Adventures on the Coast
Arriving at Mozambique
Adventures at Mozambique
Arriving at Mombaza
Sojourn at Melinda
The King of Melinda
Departure from Melinda
India at Last
Something About Calicut
Adventures at Calicut
Da Gama Visits the Zamorin
Da Gama Held Prisoner
Along the Coast of India
Homeward Bound
Welcome Home