Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea – Jules Verne (1888)


Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea – Jules Verne (1888)


Title: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Author: Jules Verne, unknown illustrator

Publisher: Hurst & Co, New York. No date, circa 1888. The Arlington Edition.

Condition: Decorative cloth. A good copy of a scarce early edition of the book. Minor wear to cover, some tanning to pages, one signature loose but holding.

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About the book (from Wikipedia):

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea is a classic science fiction novel by French writer Jules Verne published in 1870. It tells the story of Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus as seen from the perspective of Professor Pierre Aronnax.

The title refers to the distance traveled while under the sea and not to a depth, as 20,000 leagues is 2.7 times the circumference of Earth.