Merry Christmas Everybody! (Or, as the back of our Singapore TIBS buses read, “Marry Xmas”!)
Continue readingOpen Today, Tomorrow and the Day After
Dear all, Even though it’s Tuesday today, we’ll be open from 2-5pm to give last-minute Xmas gift shoppers some comfort, hope and solace after a bout of panic and despair. We’ll also maintain regular hours tomorrow (Christmas – Merry Xmas everybody!) and the day after (Boxing Day). That is, we’ll be open from 1.30-7.30pm at […]
Continue readingNew Titles in Stock
Dear all, We’re receiving many new titles which will take us some time to photograph and upload to our online shopping cart. Here’s a list of some of them, all of which are already in our shop at Burlington Square. Do come down and take a look! 1. Enough Rope: Poems by Dorothy Parker. Hardcover, […]
Continue readingReview: The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton
It’s embarrassing that it should have taken me so long to read Pulitzer Prize-winning novel The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton: An American classic, The Age of Innocence was first published in 1920 and is set in 1870s upper-class New York. Its main character, Newland Archer, is a respectable young lawyer from a respectable […]
Continue readingNew Shop at Burlington Square
Dear all, We’re happy to announce that our new shop is now open for business! The address is: 175 Bencoolen Street. Burlington Square. #01-37. Singapore 189649 Opening hours: Daily, 1.30om – 7.30 pm Closed on Tuesdays See you soon!
Continue readingBeginner’s guide to book collecting, and some personal anecdotes
To me, “book collecting” is a high-sounding phrase that describes what most book lovers naturally do anyway – hoard. Book collectors are, in essence, hoarders, and book collecting is a nice-sounding euphemism for book hoarding. So, most book hoarders are already book collectors, whether they know it or not. And the surest way to tell […]
Continue readingReview: North of Singapore by Carveth Wells
Travel writer Carveth Wells’ North of Singapore is probably one of my favourite books on the region, and of the travel literature genre. And so this review is likely to be long, involving much gushing and a few interesting tidbits on the region. Before rambling on and on about the contents of the book – […]
Continue readingShop closed from 23-29 October
An announcement: We won’t be in town between 23-29 October, and so are unable to mail books or entertain guests at our office during this period. If you’d like to purchase a book online, our shopping cart will still be functional, but your books won’t be mailed until 30 October. Apologies for this, and see […]
Continue readingGreat Schopenhauer Quotes
Here are some great quotes from the Selected Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer, intentionally excluding quotes from his extremely sexist essay ‘On Women’: On Reading and Books: “Nine-tenths of our whole modern literature has no other purpose than to swindle the public of a few thalers out of its pocket. Author, publisher and reviewer are in […]
Continue readingWordsworth and Coleridge: The Greatest Bromance in Literary History?
It almost always takes just a small group of people, sometimes only an individual, to change the course of history. And in the case of English poetry, particularly the British Romantic movement, the two most important figures are probably William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who are generally regarded as the founders of the Romantic […]
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