From jacket flap:
This volume, the first complete life of the German tyrant to be published in any language, was immediately acclaimed all over the world as an outstanding biography. It remains an incomparably authoritative, absorbing and readable account of one of the most extraordinary careers in history.
Mr. Bullock’s sources for this exhaustive study included the massive German archives, evidence given at the Nuremberg trials, and countless documents, speeches, memoirs and diaries of men in close contact with the Fuhrer.
The theme of this volume is not dictatorship, but the dictator, the personal power of one man, although it may be added that for most of the years between 1933 and 1945 this is identical with the most important of this history of the Third Reich.
If at times, especially between 1938 and 1945, the figure of the man is submerged beneath the complicated narrative of politics and war, this corresponds to Hitler’s own sacrifice of his private life (which was meagre and uninteresting at the best of times) to the demands of the position he had created for himself. In the last year his life, however, as his empire begins to crumble, the true nature of the man is revealed against all its harshness.