A lovely little illustrated book for children, containing colour plates that accompany some favourite stories.
From Preface:
All the stories are wholesome and have good influence upon the little readers. In Danny Do-Little, work is made delightful through play. I Old Mother Bear’s Christmas Stocking, the selfishness of the animals is dwelt upon, but also their kindness of heart, and the saying brought out that, “One good turn deserved another.” The little Birthday story will be interesting to read at school and children’s parties, for who among the little ones does not occasionally have a birthday?
Catchy little jingles run throughout the stories. An enthusiastic parent in Massachusetts said: “My children are very much pleased with Laura Rountree Smith’s Jingle Books, and must have a story before bed-time each night. I think her books mighty clever.”
The book contains stories which can easily be read by the children themselves.
Little Fairy Help-You-Out
Does not come when children pout;
You will see her by and by,
If to do your best you try.
The Gingerbread Boy
The Easter Bunny
Old Woman Work-Away
Bobby Bright Eyes’ Birthday Party
The Happy Hare
The Road to Sleepy Town
Old Mother Bear’s Christmas Stocking
Old Mother Bear’s Happy New Year
Little Tommy Tittlemouse
The Mad March Hare
Jack and Jill’s Toothpick Circus