Asiatic Mythology was a great pioneer work when it was first published, and it has been ever since. It contains a detailed description and explanation of the mythologies of all the great nations of Asia. It is the definitive book on the subject. The world’s leading specialists wrote separate sections in their fields of interest:
Cement Huart, The Mythology of Persia
J. Hacking, The Mythology of the Kafirs
Raymonde Linossier, The Mythology of Buddhism in India
H. de Wilman-Grabowska, Brahmanic Mythology
J. Hackin, The Mythology of Lamaism
C-H Marchal, The Mythology of Indo-China and Java
J. Hackin, Buddhist Mythology in Central Asia
Henri Maspero, The Mythology of Modern China
Serge Eliseev, The Mythology of Japan
and there is an Introduction by Paul-Louis Couchoud.
These sections were brought together, translated, illustrated with 16 four-colour plates and 354 monochromes, and equipped with an index with is most copious and useful. Each section recounts the wonderful myths and stories and explains the accompanying art. Though written by experts, the book is clear, explicit, and easy to read. It is both historical and explanatory. The history and evolution of the various religions, sects, and mythologies are outlined. The myths are retold and fully explained. The mythological personages are identified.